
  • Ask me again and I’ll try to refrain

    from feeding you lies that I use to explain

    When i’m meeting you here with my hands in the air

    I’m not doing justice, I’m just doing what I can bear

    Shaken awake to my gruesome mistake

    The flames at my feet like a witch at the stake

    You said “Tell us the truth, here’s your chance to deny”

    But I couldn’t answer, much less look you back in the eye

    I used you as my alibi

    Said “there’s nothing to see, the real victim is me”

    It’s just when i bare my soul, the world it bares its teeth

    I hid from the fight like a little kid might

    Cause words are so harmless: all tongue and no bite

    Or so i had thought and then to my surprise

    The sentiment lingered and festered inside

    And then a blow to the head, and I fell to the side

    A monument toppled, years of my life flashing by

    Well I tried my best to cover it

    But you cannot hide the depth of fault lines

    When plates start to shake and it breaks the last straw in my spine

    But an eye for an eye

    You know what it does to your mind

    Any song I could write

    It’s only a pick in the ice

    I’ll make my bed, there I shall lie

    The graveyard I’ve passed by a thousand times

    Out of sight, out of mind

    The promise i make knowing I can’t make things right

  • When I get out of this house

    I’ll give a dog a bone

    Freedom from the leash

    This keep I call a home

    But as of right now

    I am stuck in the shackles

    I am too weak

    To put up with the battle

    Even outside

    Well I run in the shadows

    Waiting to become

    The king of my castle

    Do you know the feeling I’m describing?

    To live under the thumbnail of a giant?

    I am not so foolish as to bite the hand on which I am reliant

    I’ll be compliant

    I swear

    Oh my bags are heavy

    But my luggage is light

    Soon I know I’ll be ready

    With a steady hand to fight

    I’m taking myself to a dinner

    The last doggy-bowl supper tonight

    And in the morning when I wake up


    I will release myself outside

    But as of right now

    I am stuck in the shackles

    I am too weak

    To put up with the battle

    Even outside

    Well I run in the shadows

    Waiting to become

    The king of my castle

    Do you know the feeling I’m describing?

    To live under the thumbnail of a giant?

    I am not so foolish as to bite the hand on which I am reliant

    I’ll be compliant

    But I can’t take my eyes off the horizon

    Cause I will be the first on off this island

    Oh I will fight the giants, I will conquer them like David did Goliath

    And topple a tyrant

    I’ll break the silence

    With barking and biting

    I swear

    When I get out of this house

    When I get out of this house

    When I get out of this house

    When I get out of this house

  • When it rains and rains, it rains hard

    It's never any different

    Can't tell how any feel about me

    I cannot say i wanna know

    But what i can say is

    I hate myself now

    I hate myself now

    And i hate myself now

    With no reason why

    I'm moving out

    To find some peace and quiet

    You know that i'll find it

    I will

    Cause I just don't know

    Why I feel so alone

    I would figure it out

    If i only knew how

    I hate myself now

    I hate myself now

    And I hate myself now

    With no reason why

  • You would be surprised how much a round-trip ticket could change.

    See, she might have light, but you could see it in her eyes there was pain.

    So as the kids, they fell and cried, and walked through the turn-style it became,

    the point in their lives where nothing would ever be the same.

    They lived alone, and the city became their home once again.

    And he lived overseas, with the rest of him family, again.

    Well the older understood what the younger never could, such a shame.

    Well, they played it well, they played it just like it was a game (just a game).

  • I’ve been going where I shouldn’t

    In my mind it’s a frightening place

    Where no one should ever go inside

    Yet I remain there on my own terms

    Like a fish back in water

    And my heart stands still

    As my world it gets smaller

    And I can’t escape it

    Believe me I’ve tried

    I run for the exit

    I’m missing the signs

    And I wouldn’t wish this upon my worst enemy

    No I would not

    Then again I don’t believe that I have any

    I’ve only got friends

    If that’s what you’d call them

    So like a car without a driver

    I spin to a stop

    But the motor keeps running

    It spits and it coughs

  • She pulls the rug beneath my feet

    Exposing floorboards, notches and creaks

    She’s got her hands in my pockets, to rattle my keys

    Trying to open up doors that I’m not sure I’m ready to see

    She is consuming my thoughts

    I’m pleased to admit

    Won’t say she’s my sunshine

    But closest to it

    Now we are building a house, mortar and brick

    Yet every day it collapses and takes a bit of me with it

    Well I have stitched up some of my scars,

    And I’ve always played, no matter my cards

    And I have led my father out of some bars

    And I’ve lost my faith in an all-knowing God

    But I’ve never dealt with anything this hard

    This hard

    This hard

    This hard

  • I’ve gotten so lonely

    Sitting here on my own

    So won’t someone please call me

    I’d be happy to pick up my phone

    Cause I guess who I thought i was

    Is not the person that others see

    My mirrors lied to me

    I guess the world is breaking up with me

    I better return my keys

    I take it personally

    How come no one told me

    Surely I’d change my ways

    Try to erase to a blank page, start again

    Guide me back through grade school

    Take a power tool to drill my brain

    Whatever it takes

    To reclaim the reigns of my fate

    Take me by the eyes

    And pull them by the sides

    To replace, and restore my sight

    Cause I guess who I thought I was

    Is not the person that others see

    My mirrors lied to me

    I guess the world is breaking up with me

    I better return my keys

    I take it personally

  • Queen of convenience lives in a dream

    Drives a red pickup

    Steel submarine

    Light as a feather

    Float in the sweet breeze

    But she operates like some heavy machine

    My predictions

    Biggest fears

    Realized in fall this year

    Chewed me up and swallowed whole

    So she can laugh and smile

    And wield her total control

    Like some heavy machine

    Like some heavy machine

    Like some heavy machine

    Like some heavy machine

  • Outside your window

    She passes by for the last time

    She’s going, and you know it

    Nothing you can say

    Will make a difference

    She’s already made up her heart

    Great plan for departure

    So set gently my brother

    And you will last so much longer

    As you long for her

    And how it was

    Cave in, cave out, and

    Tear out all of the pages

    Since this time last year

    Avoid the mirror

    Where you see her there

    Standing right beside

    You should have taken that picture

    So set gently my brother

    And you will last so much longer

    As you long for her

    And how it was

  • Hold on, time out, breath in, breathe out

    Hand off, back off, shut up, shut down

    They’re better off without you ‘round

    It was just fine before you came

    And she won't smile the same

    The pain you cause without the shame

    Leave it like you found it, ah

    And keep your head about you, ah

    Oh they were all so right about you now

    Absent minded, auto pilot

    Intoxication, can’t fight it

    Disarm desire and be quiet

    Leave it like you found it, ah

    And keep your head about you, ah

    Leave it like you found it, ah

    And keep your head about you, ah

    Oh they were all so right about you now

    So very right about you

    Time to realize what you’ve become

  • I was a moth eating through fabrics

    crawling through attics, drifting through traffic

    I was a squid swimming through darkness

    Rubber and heartless, shallow and harmless

    But what were you before

    But what were you before

    the tidal waves came

    And washed down our houses?

    I was a mailbox, Swallowing postcards

    Sending my regards, To Hollywood stars

    I was a phone call, Always on standby

    No one would reply, Just sever the phone lines

    But what were you before

    the tidal waves came

    And washed down our houses?

  • I want some good dreams (good dreams)

    So I can sleep through the night

    Yeah give me good dreams (good dreams)

    And I believe I’ll be alright

    Follow the thread through the eye of the needle

    And out of the cradle

    But if this ghosts don’t wake me up and

    My tired eyes could just stay shut then I could get some rest

    And I’d sleep soundly again

    I want some good dreams (good dreams)

    So I can sleep through the night

    Yeah give me good dreams (good dreams)

    And I believe I’ll be alright

    The shadows cast,

    On the walls of the basement,

    That are constantly changing

    Picture frames that won't stay straight and,

    The tiny sounds the spirits make,

    Just keep me on my edge,

    The wrong side of the bed,

    So where does it end?

    I knowingly pretend,

    the thoughts when I’m awake are not the thoughts my soul intends.

    I want some good dreams (good dreams)

    So I can sleep through the night

    Yeah give me good dreams (good dreams)

    And I believe I’ll be alright

    I want some good dreams

  • Deep inside through hallway doors

    That lead into the dark

    Lies a masquerade ball drowned in watered alcohol

    I swim for days until I find

    And Island in the sun

    But it always sinks like stones into

    An unforgiving pond

    I'd send for help but no one would respond

    So i walk around with plastered smiles

    For the passers by can

    Can they see how hard I try

    Well there's no need to play this game

    Relate and socialize

    When i can see the judgment in their eyes

    But i feel something happening

    A changing in the air

    The sun is rising

    I don't seem to care

    All my friends and family

    Just can't get a hold of me

    All the drawers are empty

    All the closets shut

    I'm coughing up my sanity

    Down beneath the christmas tree

    Climbing up the chimney

    Through spiderwebs and dust

  • I’m on vacation at a swimming pool filled

    With all the thoughts you’re not supposed to think

    All the meanwhile my body tells me

    I should learn to swim

    When I’m quite sure I’d rather sink

